19th COSEC Albi International Taekwondo Open, May 14, 2022, Albi.

XIX Albi International Taekwondo Open
from Saturday May 14 to Sunday May 15 at COSEC
19th Albi International Taekwondo Open • SATURDAY 14 Categories: Benjamins, Minimes and Cadets 7:30 am – 8:30 am: Weigh-in and Accreditation: Benjamins, Minimes and Cadets. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.: Mandatory arbitration course 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Technical instructions Coach and Fighters in the Central area Start of the competition: youth, minimum and cadets 15:30 – 16:30 pm : Weigh-in: Juniors, Seniors and Veterans. Awards ceremony throughout the competition • SUNDAY 15 Categories: Juniors, Seniors and Veterans 7:30 am – 8:30 am: Weigh-in and Accreditation: Veterans, Juniors, Seniors. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.: Compulsory arbitration course 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Technical Instructions Coach and Fighters in the Central area Start of the competition: Juniors, Seniors, Veterans. 7:00 p.m.: Awards ceremony. With bibs and DAEDO electronic helmets (generation 2) Benjamin, Minimum, Cadet, Junior, Senior and Veteran Direction of the competition: Mr. Kader BENCHAREF, responsible for the competition, Organized by the Albigensian Taekwondo club. Such. Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) PUBLIC TICKET €6 (per day) for 2 days €10 For taekwondo graduates: €4 (present the license at the entrance)

The International Open organized by Albigensian Taekwondo will become the most important Taekwondo competition. This 19th edition will take place in the COSEC gym on May 14 and 15

COSEC 271 Avenue Colonel Teyssier 81000 Albi Albi Tarn

Start and end dates and times (year – month – day – hour):
2022-05-14T07:30:00 2022-05-14T17:30:00;2022-05-15T07:30:00 2022-05-15T18:00:00